Managing in Uncertain Times – Tips for Supporting Your Team

It isn’t like this is the first time we are experiencing uncertainty, but it has to be acknowledged that nonprofits are being targeted in unprecedented ways. It is clear that the third sector is facing an existential crisis and that we don’t know what the nonprofit landscape will look like when the dust settles. 

Those of us who are tasked with keeping our organizations running find ourselves in a position of managing the concerns – and the outright fears – of boards, staff members and volunteers, even as we grapple with those same emotions and anxieties. Given what we are all facing, I thought it might be helpful to share a few suggestions for keeping our heads up and our organizations plowing forward.  

  • Keep the lines of communication open. Nothing adds to chaos more than a lack of accurate information from reliable sources. Rumors start; uncertainty grows. Increasing the frequency of staff check-in meetings will help keep everyone as fully informed as possible during periods of rapid change. These check-ins can also serve to allay fears and keep everyone focused.

  • Reinforce the adage of “don’t believe everything you hear.” There are so many things happening all at once right now that it is difficult to weed through the noise. Regular communication with the organization’s leader will help cut through the clamor. Volunteers need to hear from you as well. Bring your community together for an update.

  • Focus on what can be done versus what cannot. There is nothing more disheartening than watching projects you’ve worked hard on get paused or worse, cancelled. Now is the time to direct everyone’s energy toward what can be done – and done well. For some nonprofits it will be a time to do “what they do best” to the extreme. It can also be a great time for creativity. Maybe a departure from the status quo is warranted.

  • Conserve, but don’t constrain. Everyone is worried about how they will fund their nonprofit organizations during a time of such upheaval. Don’t let revenue concerns kill a good idea. This is the time to be bold in fundraising solicitations. If your funding has been diminished, you have a strong argument to donors as to why you need their help. A bold new initiative will help.

  • Take advantage of opportunities to collaborate. This may be a good time to join forces with other community organizations. Your team and volunteers will know where mutual interests exist and can help you evaluate which are worth the time to pursue. Shared pain can result in shared opportunity.

  • Use the time wisely. When the tumult makes progress difficult, consider using staff and volunteer time to “get things in order.” Data clean-up, file purge and storage (you should have a records retention plan - is it active?), and preparation for year-end activities (yes, you’ll have plenty of time for a kick-butt program) are productive ways to direct energy and distract from worry.

  • Take care of each other. As you enhance communications and keep the team focused, keep an eye out for individual staffers who may be struggling. Pair them with another staff member who seems to be more stable. Consider planning a brief retreat day, or even an afternoon, to help soothe jangled nerves.

  • Take care of yourself. It can be hard to absorb the anxiety of others while dealing with your own. Consider engaging a thought partner or reaching out to the people who have your back so that you have opportunities to vent. 

This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but I hope these suggestions are helpful to you. We are all in this together, and although we may differ in our mission and work, we share a vision for stronger, more supportive, and more beautiful communities. 

The More Than Giving Co. can help you during these uncertain times.
Schedule a call today to learn how we can help.

Vicki Burkhart