Is this the secret to weaving your nonprofit’s volunteers into a dream team?

Volunteers bring fabulous skills to the table, but many do not have the time, desire or skillset (and you need all three!) to take on the operational/administrative tasks required to make your nonprofit run like a well-oiled machine. I want to share with you how Kids' Chance of North Carolina utilized one of our Nonprofit Virtual Assistants, freeing their volunteer board members to excel at what they each do best.

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Vicki Burkhart
Nonprofit Coaching and Mentoring Converge

Sometimes people use the words “mentoring” and “coaching” interchangeably, but in reality, their intent is somewhat different. Both share the basic objective of helping a professional reach peak performance and organizational success, though the approach used in a coaching relationship varies from that of a mentoring relationship. A bit. Or do they, really?

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Vicki Burkhart
Effective Email Management and the Role of Virtual Assistants

We all struggle with out-of-control email boxes. Nonprofits are no exception, often receiving hundreds of emails a day. Reading and responding to every message in a timely manner is a drain on volunteer resources, yet we know that email has become a preferred method of communication for many key stakeholders. Email can be a highly productive and effective form of communication, but it must be managed in a time efficient manner.

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Vicki Burkhart
Looking for a Fresh Perspective?

In almost all cases, as a consultant I believe I was able to play an effective role in advancing these nonprofits by addressing their pain-points and challenges, finding solutions to obstacles, and helping their leadership to navigate a path toward growth and sustainability. Have you considered using a consultant to help create a pathway to success for your organization?

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Vicki Burkhart
How Virtual Assistants Can Help Your Nonprofit's Data Collection and Management

In a recent study by Nonprofit Hub, 90 percent of nonprofits reported they are collecting data, but a surprising 49 percent stated they didn’t know how data was being collected nor did they feel the data was being adequately maintained. The amount and type of data collected will vary from one organization to the next, but it will be a valuable asset when it is gathered and maintained properly, with its integrity kept intact.

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Vicki Burkhart
Addressing Fundraising Challenges During Covid-19

No industry has avoided the pandemic, including the nonprofit sector, where the most direct impact has been financial. The demand for services has increased dramatically while most organizations do not have the funding in reserve to address these growing needs. This often results in prioritizing services, back-burner-ing nonessential programs and staff, and rethinking how funds can be raised in a new and sometimes unconventional manner – and quickly.

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Time Management Tips for 2021

Have you made a New Year’s resolution to get more done? Are you trying to be more productive and efficient? I don’t know anyone who couldn’t do with a little more time, and the more I find that I must do, the faster the time seems to go.

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Vicki Burkhart
How NPVAs Support Grant-Based Funding

Pursuing grant funding from foundations and other grantmakers can be a big job. Whether you hire a professional grantwriter or write grant proposals yourself, the actual writing is only part of the work. There are application dates to juggle, supplementary materials to compile, and forms to fill out. The process can be overwhelming, especially for small organizations.

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The More Than Giving Co.
Have an NPVA Get You “Organized” Over the Holiday Breaks

As an NPVA for several nonprofits, I have found that the time from Labor Day to Thanksgiving seems to be the busiest for the nonprofit sector. We have supported virtual fundraisers, award presentations, national conferences, board meetings, social media campaigns, and more. It’s hard to catch your breath during the fall each year!

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Jill Bentley
Clear Roles and Strong Succession Planning for Nonprofits

Who is responsible for what? A critical question when developing a strong working relationship between the board president and the executive director. Of course, we know that operational activities typically fall with the executive director while broader, strategic decisions fall to the board. Does this need to be taken a step further?

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Vicki Burkhart
How To Hire a Nonprofit Virtual Assistant

The hiring process is the most important aspect to recruiting and selecting an excellent assistant. However, for many nonprofits without dedicated human resources departments, finding the right employee at exactly the right time can present an especially time-consuming and frustrating struggle. No matter how you slice it, there are certain things you must do to ensure a good result.

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Jill BentleyNPVA