Every successful organization – large or small – has one thing in common: active and supportive partnerships. Collaborators enhance our work, filling in gaps where our in-house capacity might be thin and leveraging our expertise to help our clients reach new levels of effectiveness.
Read MoreIt is crucial to build a deep “bench” of future board and executive leaders for your nonprofit – but there is more. There needs to be a thoughtfully designed path to bring your prospective leaders into their new roles. A well-crafted transition plan completes your succession pipeline, ensuring a smooth hand-off of authority and responsibilities.
Read MoreMy advice is to begin at the beginning – during new board member recruitment. Being up front and crystal clear about what the fundraising expectations are helps to weed out prospective board members who aren’t ready for that kind of commitment and gives those who are a chance to start off in the right direction.
Read MoreWe all recognize the signs of a healthy nonprofit organization: meeting or exceeding strategic goals, a strong leadership base, growing financial resources, a solid infrastructure and excellence in program delivery to support the mission and those served. So, it goes to reason that we should be able to recognize an organization that is moving in the wrong direction. Sometimes these signals even point to an organization headed toward extinction.
Read MoreVirtual fractional staffing is one of those concepts that is easy to understand in theory but may be challenging to envision in real time. That’s why I have taken the time to describe, in as much detail as space would allow, what a fractional approach looks like in action. I hope this on-the-ground view will help you think creatively about your organization’s needs, and how virtual hands-on-deck can support your mission and strategic vision.
Read MoreQuick fixes rarely constitute long-term solutions. And while virtual fractional staffing can help with the former, deeper examination of an organization’s needs – and strategic vision – are required to achieve the latter. An objective, comprehensive assessment is a great tool for understanding where your nonprofit is trying to go, and what it will take to get there.
Read MoreIs technology a cure-all or a sinister force? Well, neither. But nonprofit professionals across the country agree that the digital world is here to stay. Approached thoughtfully – and strategically – technology can be a valuable tool in moving your nonprofit forward. Take the time to consider your team’s needs and be sure to include organization-wide protocols and training in your plans.
Read MoreIn an ideal world, every nonprofit board is filled with engaged volunteers working together toward a shared vision for the future. Meetings are productive and collaborative; between meetings, every member pulls their weight. In the real world however, challenging individuals can make progress difficult. In this blog I describe a few scenarios that I have observed (and that you probably have seen, too), and offer strategies for ensuring that your board stays on track.
Read MoreClose out 2023 right and set yourself up for 2024 success with a year-end checklist. These seven to-do’s are a great place to start.
Read MoreAfter a resounding GivingTuesday success, don’t let your momentum die on the vine. Maximize gifts and goodwill with these tactics.
Read MoreIf you aren’t sure how fractional teams can help your nonprofit organization advance, these short clips should help bring it in to focus.
Read MoreProcess (“how to”) documents not only prevent disruptions from sudden staff/volunteer departures; they are key tool for reaching sustainability and a state of continuous improvement. In this post I share best practices for developing and sharing them.
Read MoreEven board members committed to proactively supporting their nonprofit’s senior staff member don’t always recognize the importance of a safe, professional sounding board.
Read MoreI am constantly talking to nonprofit organizations that are trying to grow to more fully address the needs of their constituents and fulfill their missions. Whether they use these words or not, what they are seeking to do is build capacity. In this post, I’ll be sharing some key elements of successful capacity building, plus an innovative way nonprofits are building capacity affordably and efficiently.
Read MoreIf your nonprofit isn’t providing your fundraisers with administrative support, I guarantee you that either data and details are suffering or your relationships with funders are suffering. Nonprofit Virtual Assistants are an affordable way to get your fundraising back-end humming and give your fundraisers the time and tools they need to cultivate, solicit and steward.
Read MoreMTG Referral Partner Dana Snyder uses a Nonprofit Virtual Assistant (NPVA®) to streamline the production and promotion of her successful podcast.
Read MoreWhether I’m engaged to handle one or two aspects of conference planning, or I have a lead role, there are several best practices I recommend. In my experience, they’re the key to producing a meaningful and memorable event for your attendees and making the planning process a smooth one for everyone involved. These are tips you can implement with or without the support of an NPVA®.
Read MoreLearn how a fractional team — including a Nonprofit Virtual Assistant, a marketing project manager and a copywriter — helped Dare to Care launch a virtual version of their Bullying Prevention and Life Skills program.
Read MoreFractional staffing for nonprofits offers a bench of seasoned nonprofit specialists who can be engaged to join your team virtually, supplying a curated set of skills for precisely the number of hours and number of months you need them. Our clients and our team are constantly making me aware of other inherent benefits. In this post, I’ll be sharing four lesser-known benefits of nonprofit fractional staffing.
Read MoreTechSoup makes innovative technology tools more affordable for nonprofits by securing donated or discounted access. Yet many nonprofits still hesitate to take advantage due to a lack of time to implement systems, train users and fully utilize functionality. Engaging a Nonprofit Virtual Assistant (NPVA®) for as few as 10 hours/month, for only as many months as needed, can affordably address these challenges. In this post, I’ll be sharing how More Than Giving Co. clients have put this powerful NPVA® + TechSoup pairing to work.
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